Diving Board at Black Rock: Wild Sea Swimmers - Galway Art

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Diving Board at Black Rock: Wild Sea Swimmers

Cathy 00:05
My good friend Catherine Piggott is here with me. I told you earlier, I just like people who buy them from the heart. You know, to me, I love it when someone – it resonates with them. And Catherine will explain to you how it resonated with her.

Catherine 00:23
On entering Cathy’s house, I saw this vibrancy and straight away, the diving board, Black Rock just hit out at me from a very young age, my father used to take us to Salthill on Sundays to swim and we swam from a very young age, and he was a champion, conduct a monster swimmer. And he had us diving off the lower board and as we got slightly older off the top board, and as you can see, the colors are just so vibrant. It’s a statement piece at the end of the promenade in Galway, and everybody just loves it.

Cathy 01:04
And the shells, Catherine, why did you like the shells? This was weird. I just put in the shells, I didn’t even know why.

Catherine 01:12
They’re oysters. I said, I grew up in the home county of oysters in Colgan Cambridge in county Galway. And we would go every Saturday down to where my great grandmother was from, and my grandmother and we would pick oysters and mussels. Then we would go and pull pints of Guinness and more answers to where and I spilled the porter there. I was five! Thank you. Yeah, and so you know, I have just wonderful memories and I love the sea and the ocean. And it I’m delighted to have something by Cathy. It’s very special.


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